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Size                 Price
Length    93 cm           € 2.730 - 3.080
Height    69 cm             
Width    42 cm           

• Picture XXL

title   Geschichte   title

- under construction -


All stated prices are quoted for home delivery. NOT included are local taxes and customs duties. On request we can offer prices for any place in the world!

The exact price for each ship model depends on the transport cost and on the currency exchange rate on the day of purchase. The prices quoted on this website show an approximate price for each model; an exact quotation can be given on request. The experience shows that the exact quoted price is within the given range in 98 % of all inquiries.

title   History   title

The 1812 war between the United States and Great Britain entailed the need for an American naval force such as could control the vital Supply routes to/from Canada. Lieutenant Oliver Hazard Perry, who at that time was only 28 years old, was in charge of building this force in lake Erie, and two brigantines were produced the "LAWRENCE" and the "NIAGRA", each equipped with ten cannons, along with six schooners and a sloop. On 10th September 1813, aboard his flagship, the "LAWRENCE", Perry faced a British force which included two more heavily armed brigantines, the "DETROIT" and the "QUEEN CHARLOTTE". These vessels fired at the "LAWRENCE" and put her out of action, and so Perry had to change bis flag over to the "NIAGRA". The British thought they had won, and that Perry was retreating, but instead he performed a series of manoeuvres on board the "NIAGRA" which finally brought him victory.

title   Histoire   title

La guerre de 1812 qui opposait les USA et la Grande Bretagne fit naître le besoin d'une force navale américaine capable de controler le cheminement des approvisionnements vitaux en provenance et vers le Canada. Le lieutenant Oliver Hazard Perry qui, à cette époque, n'avait que 28 ans, fut chargé de mettre en place cette force dans le lac Erie, deux brigantines furent construites: la "LAWRENCE" et la "NIAGRA", chacune équipée de 10 canons, avec 6 goëlettes et un sloop. Le 10 septembre 1813, à bord de son vaisseau amiral la "LAWRENCE", Perry affronta une force Britannique qui comprenait deux brigantines plus imposantes et fortement armées, le "DETROIT" et la "QUEEN CHARLOTTE". Ces vaisseaux firent feu sur la "LAWRENCE" et la mirent hors d'état de nuire ainsi Perry dû utiliser le "NIAGRA". Les Britanniques pensaient sortir victorieux de la bataille et que Perry se retirerait. Mais au contraire, il effectua une série de manoeuvres qui lui permirent de vaincre ses ennemis.


Each ship model is made by hand with hundreds of man-hours. Depending on the complexity of the ship please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. Models are shipped safely with specially designed packaging for safe delivery and easy unpacking.


50 % upon confirmation of order; 50 % on delivery; by SWIFT transfer.