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Größe                 Preise
Länge    80 cm           € 2.450 - 2.800
Höhe    70 cm             
Breite    24 cm           

• Foto XXL

title   Geschichte   title

This HMS ENDEAVOUR belongs to Captain James Cook who made his first voyage te explore new continents. This ship was made in such a manner so that it facilitated explorers to endure long time voyage during exploration.

Captain James Cook was born in 1728 at York in Great Britain. He got permission by the govemment to explore new continents and isolated islands, so that they may appear on the world map. In the meantime, he could also know the pattern of the inhabitants, its flora and fauna. During his first voyage he got experience about astronomy, mathematics etc, so that he became commandant of the marine corporation. He did his first exploration in 1768 in Tahiti with the Company of some astronomers and in April 1769, Queen Oberea manifested her sympathy to Captain Cook thus nominating him master of a group of islands named "Iles de la Société".

In June 1769, the ENDEAVOUR began another exploration. During mid October 1769 Captain Cook designed the chart of New Zealand as well as its natural characteristics. He came accross the place where Australia & New Zealand were separated thus becoming the first explorer of Australia. Furthermore he discovered New Guinea and explored the meridional and oriental coasts. On his way back to Great Britain he passed across the Cape of Good Hope and arrived home in July 1771.

Unfortunately Feb 1774 was Captain Cook's last voyage as he got a tragic end - he was captured and killed by wild people in an unknown island.


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title   History   title

This HMS ENDEAVOUR belongs to Captain James Cook who made his first voyage te explore new continents. This ship was made in such a manner so that it facilitated explorers to endure long time voyage during exploration.

Captain James Cook was born in 1728 at York in Great Britain. He got permission by the govemment to explore new continents and isolated islands, so that they may appear on the world map. In the meantime, he could also know the pattern of the inhabitants, its flora and fauna. During his first voyage he got experience about astronomy, mathematics etc, so that he became commandant of the marine corporation. He did his first exploration in 1768 in Tahiti with the Company of some astronomers and in April 1769, Queen Oberea manifested her sympathy to Captain Cook thus nominating him master of a group of islands named "Iles de la Société".

In June 1769, the ENDEAVOUR began another exploration. During mid October 1769 Captain Cook designed the chart of New Zealand as well as its natural characteristics. He came accross the place where Australia & New Zealand were separated thus becoming the first explorer of Australia. Furthermore he discovered New Guinea and explored the meridional and oriental coasts. On his way back to Great Britain he passed across the Cape of Good Hope and arrived home in July 1771.

Unfortunately Feb 1774 was Captain Cook's last voyage as he got a tragic end - he was captured and killed by wild people in an unknown island.

title   Histoire   title

L'HMS ENDEAVOUR appartient au capitaine James Cook qui fit son premier voyage pour explorer de nouveaux continents. Ce bateau fut fabriqué de telle sorte qu'il permettait aux explorateurs de supporter de longs voyages pendant les explorations.

Le capitaine Cook est né en 1728 dans la province de York en Grande Bretagne. Il obtient la permission, de la part du gouvernement anglais, d'explorer de nouveaux continents et des îles isolées, afin qu'ils apparaissent sur la carte du monde. En même temps, il pourrait étudier l'origine des habitants, les caractéristiques de la faune et de la flore. Au cours de sa première expédition, il s'intéressa à l'astrologie, aux mathématiques et, ainsi, il devint commandant de la "marine corporation". Il entreprit sa première exploration en 1768 à Tahiti en compagnie de quelques astronomes et en avril 1769, la reine Oberea manifesta de la sympathie pour le capitaine Cook: il fut nommé responsable d'un groupe d'îles appelées "îles de la société".

En juin 1769, l'ENDEAVOUR entreprit une nouvelle exploration. A la mi-octobre 1769 le capitaine Cook designa la position de la Nouvelle Zélande ainsi que ses caractéristiques naturelles. Il traversa le bras de mer qui sépare l'Australie de la Nouvelle Zélande et devint ainsi le premier expiorateur de l'Australie. Il découvrit la Nouvelle Guinée et partit à la découverte des côtes méridionales et orientales. Sur le chemin du retour, ii navigua au large du Cap de Bonne Espérance et rentra en Angleterre en 1771.

Malheureusement l'expédition organisée en février 1774, lui fut fatale; il connut une fin tragique: capturé et tué par un peuple sauvage sur une île inconnue.


Jedes Schiffsmodell ist reine Handarbeit und wird in hunderten Arbeitsstunden hergestellt. Abhängig von der Komplexität des jeweiligen Schiffsmodelles werden 4 - 8 Wochen für die Lieferung benötigt. Die Modelle werden in einer speziell für diesen Zweck entwickelten Sicherheits-Verpackung versandt, wodurch ein sicherer Transport gewährleistet ist und Beschädigungen ausgeschlossen sind.


50 % des Rechnungsbetrages bei Auftragserteilung (Banküberweisung); 50 % bei Lieferung (Nachnahme).