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Size                 Price
Length    68 cm           € 1.750 - 1.960
Height    48 cm             
Width    22 cm           

• Picture XXL

title   Geschichte   title

- under construction -


All stated prices are quoted for home delivery. NOT included are local taxes and customs duties. On request we can offer prices for any place in the world!

The exact price for each ship model depends on the transport cost and on the currency exchange rate on the day of purchase. The prices quoted on this website show an approximate price for each model; an exact quotation can be given on request. The experience shows that the exact quoted price is within the given range in 98 % of all inquiries.

title   History   title

Launched on August the 13th in Toulon, the TOULONNAISE was commanded by Mr. JOURSIN when she took part in the war against Spain in the shelling of a port known as Cadix. In 1832, she was repaired.

Afterwards, in 1836, she sailed to Fort Royal in Martinique and in 1843 to Brest where a commission decided the TOULONNAISE to be offered for the services of the State.

title   Histoire   title

La TOULONNAISE a été lancée le 13 août 1823 à Toulon et avait pour commandant Mr. JOURSIN quand elle participa à la guerre contre l'Espagne puis au bombardement du port nommé Cadix. En 1832, elle était en réparation.

En 1836, elle partit pour Fort Royal en Martinique et en 1843 pour Brest où une commission décida de la mettre au service de l'Etat.


Each ship model is made by hand with hundreds of man-hours. Depending on the complexity of the ship please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. Models are shipped safely with specially designed packaging for safe delivery and easy unpacking.


50 % upon confirmation of order; 50 % on delivery; by SWIFT transfer.