Blue Nose II

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Size                 Price
Length    71 cm           € 2.100 - 2.380
Height    59 cm             
Width    13 cm           

• Picture XXL

title   Geschichte   title

- under construction -


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The exact price for each ship model depends on the transport cost and on the currency exchange rate on the day of purchase. The prices quoted on this website show an approximate price for each model; an exact quotation can be given on request. The experience shows that the exact quoted price is within the given range in 98 % of all inquiries.


Each ship model is made by hand with hundreds of man-hours. Depending on the complexity of the ship please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. Models are shipped safely with specially designed packaging for safe delivery and easy unpacking.


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title   History   title

The Original Blue Nose was built in Smith & Ruthland's shipyard located in Lunenburg, New Scotland, Canada, in 1921 and was commanded by the courageous Captain Angus Walters of Lunenburg.

The same year, the Blue Nose won the selection contest for representing Canada at the international schooner competition.

lt was incredibly fast and always reconquered easily the cup for Canada. lt became a living legend and remained victorious keeping the trophy until 1938.

In 1963, Colonel Oland de Halifax ordered the construction of an exact replica of the original Blue Nose; he named it Blue Nose II.

During world war II, the Blue Nose was used for trade with the West Indies and in 1946, Canada was informed that Blue Nose had ended its career on a coral reef off Haiti.

We may wonder about the origin of its name "Blue Nose". Is it because of the nickname given to its sailors who had to go through intense colds when they were crossing between Boston and the New Scotland?

title   Histoire   title

Le Blue Nose original fut construit au chantier de Smith & Ruthland à Lunenburg, Nouvelle Ecosse, Canada, en 1921. Il était commandé par le courageux Capitaine Angus Walters de Lunenburg.

Cette même année, le Blue Nose battait tous ses adversaires lors de la sélection pour représenter le Canada à la Compétition Internationale de Goëlettes.

Il était incroyablement rapide et reconquérait toujours sans difficulté le trophée pour le Canada. Il devint une légende vivante et resta invaincu, conservant le trophée jusqu'en 1938.

En 1963, le Colonel Oland de Halifax fit construire pour les habitants de Nouvelle Ecosse une réplique exacte du Blue Nose original et lui donna le nom de Blue Nose II.

Pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, le Blue Nose servit au commerce avec les Antilles et en 1946 le Canada apprit avec stupeur que le Blue Nose avait conclu sa glorieuse carrière sur un récif de corail au large d'Haiti.

On peut s'interroger sur l'origine du nom Blue Nose "Nez bleu" sans doute attribué parce que ses marins étaient surnommés "Bluenosers" en raison du froid intense qu'ils subissaient lors des traversées entre Boston et la Nouvelle Ecosse.